2nd year CBA peer advice

HCS / News / 2nd year CBA peer advice

Hello, my name is Kevin Pike. I am a 3rd year at HCS.

I remember giving a presentation fairly recently. Here is a guide to giving an enjoyable and memorable presentation. During your 2nd year at HCS you will have to present a speech/presentation to your English class as part of your English coursework. It has to be informative the following is a guide to doing this effectively.

You should pick a topic you enjoy. This can be anything from sports to animals, places or TV shows. Just pick something you enjoy and find interesting. This will enhance the listeners’ experience because you will be interested in it. The more passion goes into a presentation, the more lively it will be.

Next you should research the topic to build on your existing knowledge. Remember that the presentation should be between 3 and 5 minutes long so make sure you have more than enough information to talk about. You should look for information on the internet and in books. If you find something useful, then I recommend that you set aside a few spare pages in the back of your English copy and write them down. You can put that information onto flashcards and use them as prompts on the day that you have to present.

Once you have your information you should make a PowerPoint presentation to help you get your point across by giving your audience something to read. This will reinforce what you are saying and will make the information stick in the audience’s mind for longer.

The layout of the presentation should have all the relevant information in short 1-3 line bullet points. You should have about 4 bullet points per slide. You must add lots of images in your PowerPoint. This gives your audience something to look at so they don’t get bored when you’re talking.

When the day comes to present your work, you should do the following:

  • Speak at a moderate pace

  • Speak loudly and clearly

  • Make eye contact with members of the audience

  • Use notes on flashcards as reminders when you’re presenting.

After you’ve finished speaking, you should dedicate about 40-60 seconds to answering any questions that members of your audience might have. This is a helpful technique to making your project a little bit longer so that you can complete it within the time requirement.

If you follow this guide, you should achieve above expectations. Just remember to:

  • Pick a topic that interests you

  • Create a PowerPoint

  • Use bullet points and lots of pictures/images

  • Speak clearly and at a good pace

  • Ask your audience questions at the end